Helping you achieve your marathon goals at any level

London Running Physio offers 3 levels of marathon packages to help you achieve your goals, whatever stage of training or recovery you are at.

The First
Marathon Package

Running a marathon for the first time is a huge challenge. This package is aimed at getting you to the start line in great condition, so that you complete and really enjoy your debut marathon.

The Marathon
PB Package

This package is aimed at helping more experienced marathoners achieve their potential through bespoke training.  Run smarter, avoid injury, and hit that PB goal you’ve been aiming for.

The Return to
Running Package

Ever trained really hard for a race you couldn’t compete in? If you’ve been frustrated by a recurring injury which ended your marathon dream, the Return to Running package is for you.

The First Marathon Package

Running a marathon for the first time is a huge challenge for anyone and this package is aimed at getting you to the start line in one piece. This is no mean feat considering that 28% (more than 13,000) of London Marathoners in 2010 didn’t make it to the start line.

The First Marathon package will support you through the marathon journey and hopefully help you to enjoy the challenge.

The starting point will be to complete a pre-marathon assessment of known injury risk factors. This will involve a thorough assessment of strength, flexibility and biomechanics. A tailored strength, conditioning and mobility program will then be designed for you to work alongside your running schedule.

The First Marathon Package Includes:

  • Two one-hour sessions to complete a strength, flexibility and treadmill-based biomechanical assessment.
  • An individualised strength & conditioning program (addressing any weaknesses identified in the assessment).
  • A tailored program of stretches and mobility exercises.
  • Individualised advice on how to improve your running form & progressing your running volume.
  • 3 half hour sessions over the course of your training program to help keep you on track and discuss any niggles, or concerns that you have.



If you’d like help with successfully running your First Marathon, get in touch by ringing 020 7205 2336, or email Scott at [email protected]

The Marathon PB Package

This package is aimed at helping more experienced marathoners achieve their potential and get to the start line in the best possible shape.

If you’ve been trying to hit a new marathon PB but just keep falling short on the day or not making it to the start line, then there’s a good chance that injuries and/or a lack of structure to your training might be holding you back. Running your best race relies on completing all of your key training sessions week after week, as optimal performance is built on consistent and, importantly, ‘smart’ training.

Niggles and injuries, can’t always be avoided but there is a lot that can be done to minimise the risk of injury, particularly when most running injuries are attributable to overuse (aka ‘training error’). The PB package will help you ‘train smart’ and learn to recognise when you may be pushing too close to the ‘injury red line’.

The Marathon PB Package Includes:

  • Five one-hour sessions.
  • A treadmill-based assessment of your running biomechanics.
  • A tailored strength & conditioning program to address any identified deficits to help you be more injury resilient, as well as looking at areas to improve performance.
  • Guidance on how to spot signs of injury, and how to adapt your training to reduce the chance of being side-lined by an injury.



If you’d like help to nail your Marathon PB Goal, get in touch by ringing 020 7205 2336, or email Scott at [email protected]

The Return to Running Package

Sometimes as runners, we get an injury that inhibits our ability to perform, but it can also dent our confidence.

Maybe you you’ve got a marathon place, but aren’t sure if you’ll be robust enough to make it round?

You may even have friends or family who are cautioning you against running, or perhaps you’re concerned about letting down your charity you hope to run for?

If you’ve been frustrated by a recurring injury that has stopped you running consistently or altogether then the Return to Running package is aimed at you.

The Return to Running Package Includes:

  • A thorough assessment of your running & injury history & discuss your goals & targets.
  • An assessment of your current injury & referral for further investigation if required (e.g. MRI, diagnostic ultrasound).
  • Treadmill based assessment of your running biomechanics (if you are able to run). We’ll be analysing:

Stride mechanics (length and width of stride)
Impact (heel/mid/forefoot strike; position of foot in relation to body)
Upper body position (arm carriage, trunk position)

  • A thorough assessment of your running & injury history & discuss your goals & targets.
  • An assessment of your current injury & referral for further investigation if required (e.g. MRI, diagnostic ultrasound).
  • Treadmill based assessment of your running biomechanics (if you are able to run). We’ll be analysing:



If you’d like help with your Return to Running, so you can conquer your Marathon, get in touch by ringing 020 7205 2336, or email Scott at [email protected]

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